Ram Grades

Time Limit: 2 sec
Memory Limit: 128000 kB
Problem Statement
Ram is studying in Class V and has four subjects, each subject carry 100 marks. He passed with flying colors in his exam, but when his neighbour asked how much percentage did he got in exam, he got stuck in calculation. Ram is a good student but he forgot how to calculate percentage. Help Ram to get him out of this problem.
First line contains four variables a, b, c and d.

1<= a, b, c, d <= 100
Print single line containing the percentage.
Sample Input 1:
25 25 25 25

Sample Output 1:

Sample Input 2:
75 25 75 25

Sample Output 2:
import java.util.Scanner;
class Main {
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        // Your code here
        Scanner sa = new Scanner(System.in);
        int a = sa.nextInt();
        int b = sa.nextInt();
        int c = sa.nextInt();
        int d = sa.nextInt();
        int input = ((a+b+c+d)/4);

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