How to print pattern P using Python

for i in range (7):
    for j in range (6):
        if (j in {0,1,2,3,4} and i==0 or j==0) or  (i in {1,2} and j==5) or (j in {0,1,2,3,4} and i==3):
            print("*",end=' ')       
            print(" ",end=' ')

for i in range (7):
    for j in range (6):
This code is use to define the rows and column
here for i in range (7): This code means that the loop will runs 7 times specially for the rows.
     for j in range (6): This code means that the loop will runs 6 times specially for the columns.

in the if statement we are going to provide the condition to print virtical lines in column 0.

for i in range (7):
    for j in range (6):
        if (j in {0,1,2,3,4} and i==0 or j==0):
            print("*",end=' ') 
       using the #code:1 we can print the above pattern 

now using or operator we are going to print some more lines to our pattern .. have a look
or  (i in {1,2} and j==5)
now we are going to add this piece of code to #code:1 to see the output.


for i in range (7):
    for j in range (6):
        if (j in {0,1,2,3,4} and i==0 or j==0)or (i in {1,2} and j==5)
            print("*",end=' ')
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        after inserting the red line into the #code:1 we can print the             above pattern .

now using or operator we are going to print some more lines to our pattern .. have a look
or (j in {0,1,2,3,4} and i==3):
now we are going to add this piece of code to #code:1 to see the output.

for i in range (7):
    for j in range (6):
        if (j in {0,1,2,3,4} and i==0 or j==0)or (i in {1,2} and j==5) or (j in {0,1,2,3,4} and i==3):
            print("*",end=' ')
here's guys our code is completed so it will printd the whole pattern P.

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