Recursion Tree Method :  Recursion tree method is a pictorial representation of an iteration method which is in the form of tree ,where at each level nodes are explained.
It is used  to keep track of the size of the remaining arguments in the recurrence.
A recursion tree is a tree where each node represents the cost of a certain recursive sub-problem.

How to solve problem based on resursive tree
expanding the recurrence into a tree 
adding the cost at each level 
applying the substitution method 

Example :1
T(n) ={1  if n=1
          {2T(n/2)+n if n>1 
find time complexity.

Find the time complexity of  T(n) = T(n/3) + T(2n/3) +n  by The recursion tree method.

Find the time complexity of  T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n2       by The recursion tree method.


   The Time complexity should be O(n^2)

Do your self (By The recursion tree method)?
Q.1  T(n)=3T(n/2)+n
Q2. T(n)=4T(n/2)+n^2
Q3. T(n)=3T(n/2)+n^2
Q4. T(n)=16T(n/4)+n
Q5.  T(n)=4T(n/2)+logn
Q6.  T(n)=3T(n/4)+nlogn
Q7.  T(n)=4T(n/2)+n/logn
Q8. T(n)=16T(n/4)+n!
Q9. T(n)=3T(n/3)+√n
Q10. T(n)=√2T(n/√2)+logn


Q1. Ó¨(n^log3)
Q2. Ó¨(n^2 logn)
Q3. Ó¨(n^2)
Q4. Ó¨(n^2)
Q5. Ó¨(n^2)
Q6. Ó¨(nlogn)
Q7. Ó¨(n^2)
Q8. Ó¨(n!)
Q9. Ó¨(n)
Q10. Ó¨(n)

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