Page No:-4

Q1.What is time complexity of fun ()?
Int fun (int n)
Int count = 0:
For (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
For (int j = i; j > 0; i-
Count count+1,
Return count;
The time complexity can be calculated by counting number of times the expression "count = count+1;" is executed.
The expression is executed 0 + 1+2+3 +4 +. + (n - 1) times.
Time complexity = 0+ 1+2+ 3+ . +n-1 = e(n(n - 1)/2) = O(n^2).

Q2.What is time complexity of fun ()?
Int fun (int n)
Int count = 0:
For (int i = n; i > 0; i/=2)
For (int j = i; j > 0; j++)
count+= 1;

Return count;

Solution: for  a input integer n, the innermost statement of fun() is executed following times. so time complexity
            T(n) =  n + n/2 +n/4.......+1=O(n)
The value of count is also  n + n/2 + n/4......+1

Q3.In a competition, four different functions are observed. All the functions use
a single for loop and within the for the loop, same set of statements are executed. Consider the following for loops:
A. for(i = 0; i<n; i++)   B. for(i = 0; i < n; i += 2) 
C. for(i = 1;i<n; i *=2) D. for(i = n; i> -1;i/= 2)
If n is the sithe ze of input (positive), which function is most efficient (if the task to be performed is not an issue)?

The time complexity ofst for loop is O(n). The time complexity of second for loop (n/2), equivalent to O(n) in asymptotic analysis. The time complexity of third for loop is O(logn). The fourth for loop doesn't terminate.

Q4.Consider the following functions:
f(n) = 2^n
g(n) = n!
h(n) = n^logn
Which of the following statements about the asymptotic behavior of f(n), g{n), and h(n) is true?
(a) f(n) = O(g(n)); g(n) = O(h(n))
(b) f(n) = 𝚯(g(n); g(n) = O(h(n))
(c) gn) = Of(n); h(n) = O(f(n))
(d) h(n) = Of(n): g{n) = 𝛀f(n)

Solution: (d)

Q5Consider the following two functions. What are time complexities of the functions?
int fun1(int n)
if (n<=1) return n;
return 2*fun1(n-1);
int fun2 (int n)
if (n <= 1) return n;
return fun2(n-1) + fun2(n-1);

Time complexity of fun 1() can be written as T(n) = T(n-1)+C which is O(n) Time complexity of fun2() can be written as T(n) = 2T(n-1)+ C which is O(2^n)

Q6.Consider the following C-program fragment in which i, j andn are integer
for (i = n, j = 0; i> 0; i = 2, j+ = i);
Let val(j) denote the value stored in the variable j after termination of the for loop. Which one of the following is true?
(a) val(j) = 𝚯(log n)  (b) val(j) = 𝚯(sqrt (n))
(C) val(j)= 𝚯(n)  (d) val(j) = 𝚯(n log n)

Semicolon after the for loop, so there is nothing in the body. The variable j is initially O and value of j is sum of values of i. i is initialized as n and is reduced to half in each iteration.
j = n/2 + n/4 + n/8 +.. +1 = O(n)

Q7.Consider the following pseudo code. What is the total number of
multiplications to be performed?
D= 2
  for i = 1 to n do
        for j = i to n do
              for k = j + 1 to n do

                    D = Dx3
The statement "D = D x 33 is executed n*(n +1)* (n - 1)/6 times. Let us see how.
For i =1, the multiplication statement is executed (n-1) + (n-2) +.2+1 times.
For i= 2, the statement is executed (n -2) + (n -3) +.......... 2 +1 times
For i = n-1, the statement is executed once.
For i= n, the statement is not executed at all
So overall the statement is executed following times
[(n-1)+ (n-2)+.....2 +1] + [(n-2) + (n-3)+..2 + 1]+ ......+ 1 + 0
The above series can be written as
S = [n(n-1)/2 + (n-1)'(n -2)/2+....+1]
The sum of above series can be obtained by trick of subtraction the series from standard Series S1 =
n+(n-1)^2 +......1^2.The sum of this standard series is n'(n + 1)*(2n + 1)/6
S1 - 2S =n+ (n-1) + .. 1 = n*(n + 1)/2
2S = n*(n+1)*(2n + 1)/6-n*(n+1)/2
S = n*(n+1)*(n-1)/6

Q8.Let A[1,.... n] be an aray storing a bit (1 or 0) at each location, and f(m)
is a function whose time complexity is e(m). Consider the following program fragment written in aC like language:
counter 0;
for (i = 1: i<=n; i++)
if (A[] == 1)
     counter = 0;
Find true statements
a.All 1s in A[l: Time taken is e(n) as
only counter++ is executed n times.

b.All Os in A: Time taken is (n) as
f(0) is called n times each call (n).

c.Half 1s, then half Os: Time taken is e(n)
Time = n/2 + n/2 x n =𝚯(n^2) 

Q9.In the following c function, let n >=m.
int gcd(n,m) { if n%m==0) return m; n=n%m;retun gcd(m,n);}
how many recursive calls are made by this funtion?
a.𝚯(logn)                            b. 𝚯(n)
c.  𝜣(log logn)                         d𝚯(sqrt(n))

solution:  a.𝚯(logn)   

Q10.For the functions, lg(n) and log(8n), what is the asymptotic relationship between these functions?
// Try your self


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